Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.QueryNavigator
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.QueryNavigator


public class QueryNavigator
extends Object
implements Synchronizable, ExpandableSet, BasicDataSource, ExceptionEventListener, PropertyChangeListener, RecordSaveEventExceptionListener

Class Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.QueryNavigator. TaskAction

Variable Index

 o SpecialFeatures
 o applet
 o fullname
 o isLastReached
 o m_CurrentCursor
 o m_DeletedRecordsVector
 o m_ObjectEnumeration
 o m_ObjectVector
 o m_POClassName
 o m_POFactory
 o m_QBECursor
 o m_UpdatedRecordsVector
 o m_Xlator
 o markedAsDeletedString
 o markedAsExistingString
 o markedAsModifiedString
 o markedAsNewString
 o markedAsQBEString
 o newSet
 o numberOfSpecialFeatures
 o taskAction

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.QueryNavigator()

Method Index

 o BOF()
 o EOF()
 o TriggerUI(int, int)
 o addColumnDataEventListener(ColumnDataEventListener)
 o addExceptionEventListener(ExceptionEventListener)
 o addExceptionListener(ExceptionEventListener, String)
 o addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
javadoc comments go here...
 o addRecordNavigateEventListener(RecordNavigateEventListener)
 o addRecordSaveEventExceptionListener(RecordSaveEventExceptionListener)
 o addRecordSaveEventListener(RecordSaveEventListener)
 o addTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener)
Implementing the BasicDataSource Interface
 o announceException(ExceptionEvent)
 o announceOnAfterColumnDataChange(ColumnDataEvent)
 o announceOnAfterRecordSave(RecordSaveEvent)
 o announceOnBeforeColumnDataChange(ColumnDataEvent)
 o announceOnBeforeRecordSave(RecordSaveEvent)
 o announceRecordNavigateOnAfterNavigate(RecordNavigateEvent)
 o announceRecordNavigateOnBeforeNavigate(RecordNavigateEvent)
 o announceRecordNavigateOnBoundary(RecordNavigateEvent)
 o announceRecordSaveException(RecordSaveEvent)
 o close()
 o commitState()
 o createQueryByExampleRow()
Constructs a query by example by reseting the privates members of the object.
 o delete()
Deletes the current row from the Data Source and from the Data Base.
 o executeQuery(Synchronizable)
 o executeQueryByExample()
Populates a Data Source with the result from the query by example.
 o expandPOSet()
 o finalize()
 o findRecord(String, Object)
This function retrieves the first RecordDefinition that matches the criteria "Table[colName]=value" The return will be a Hashtable with the format (ColumnName-->KEY,ColumnValue-->VALUE) If no Record is found then the function will return null If the colName doesn't exist the the function will return null
 o findRecord(int, Object)
This function retrieves the first RecordDefinition that matches the criteria "Table[colNumber]=value" The return will be a Hashtable with the format (ColumnName-->KEY,ColumnValue-->VALUE) If no Record is found then the function will return null If the colName doesn't exist the the function will return null
 o first()
 o getAliasName()
 o getAutoStart()
 o getClassName()
 o getConnection()
 o getCurrentObject()
 o getCurrentRowNumber()
 o getDataName()
Gets the the database table name Format: "TableName
 o getDirtyRowsNumber()
 o getDirtySaveMessage()
Gets the message to be displayed when a dirty QN is navigated
 o getElementAt(int)
Gets the Object stored in the QueryNavigator at the given position
 o getLink()
 o getMasterAliasName()
 o getName()
 o getQBEObject()
 o getQueryNavigatorObject(String)
 o getRowState(PersistentObject)
Returns the row state.
 o getRowState()
 o getSaveChangesWindowClass()
Gets the message window class string
 o getSpecialFeature(int, int)
Returns a special value for the getvalue Method.
 o getTotalNumberOfRows()
 o getValue(int, int)
Gets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.
 o getValueFromFirst(int, int)
Gets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.
 o go_to(int)
 o handleExceptionEvent(ExceptionEvent)
 o initPO(PersistentObject)
 o insert()
Inserts a new row in the Data Source.
 o insertIntern()
 o isDirty()
 o isEmpty()
 o isExpandable()
 o isQBERow()
 o isStarted()
 o last()
 o moveDataToUI(int, int)
 o navigate(int, Integer)
 o next()
Move the focus to the next row
 o onRecordSaveException(RecordSaveEvent)
 o previous()
Move the focus to the previous row
 o propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)
Handle the property changed event.
 o removeColumnDataEventListener(ColumnDataEventListener)
 o removeExceptionEventListener(ExceptionEventListener)
 o removeExceptionListener(ExceptionEventListener, String)
 o removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
javadoc comments go here...
 o removeRecordNavigateEventListener(RecordNavigateEventListener)
 o removeRecordSaveEventExceptionListener(RecordSaveEventListener)
 o removeRecordSaveEventListener(RecordSaveEventListener)
 o removeTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener)
 o restart()
 o save()
 o saveAll(int)
 o saveAll()
 o saveAllLevels()
 o saveIntern()
Saves the current row in the Data Base.
 o setAliasName(String)
Set the alias name for a QueryNavigator.
 o setApplet(Applet)
 o setAutoStart(boolean)
 o setClassName(String)
 o setDirtySaveMessage(String)
Sets the message to be displayed when a dirty QN is navigated
 o setDisplaced(int, Object, PersistentObject)
 o setLink(SynchronizerLink)
 o setMarkedAsDeleted()
 o setMasterAliasName(String)
 o setMasterName(String)
 o setName(String)
 o setSaveChangesWindowClass(String)
Sets the message window class string
 o setSpecialFeature(int, int, Object)
 o setValue(Object, int, int)
Sets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.
 o setValueAsQBE(Object, int)
 o setValueFromFirst(Object, int, int)
Sets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.
 o startQBE()
 o startQueryByExample()
 o toString()
 o undoChanges()
Undoes the changes on the current row.
 o undoColumnChanges(int)
Undoes the changes on the current row and on the specific column.


public static final java.lang.String[] AVAILABLE_SPECIAL_FEATURES
public static final int BASE_FOR_ROW_NUMBER
public final boolean CHECK_QBE_VALUES
public static java.lang.String LAST_ROW
public static final java.lang.String NUMOFROWS_SPECIALFEATURE
public static java.lang.String OVERRIDE_MESSAGE
public static final int QBE_ROW_NUMBER
public static final java.lang.String QBE_STRING
public static final java.lang.String ROWNUMBER_SPECIALFEATURE
public static final java.lang.String ROWSTATE_SPECIALFEATURE
 o SpecialFeatures
public static final java.lang.String[] SpecialFeatures
 o applet
protected java.applet.Applet applet
Constructor. Constructs a data source and initializes three navigational cursors Also creates a mediator ds

 o fullname
protected java.lang.String fullname
 o isLastReached
public boolean isLastReached
 o m_CurrentCursor
protected symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.Cursor m_CurrentCursor
 o m_DeletedRecordsVector
protected java.util.Vector m_DeletedRecordsVector
 o m_ObjectEnumeration
protected java.util.Enumeration m_ObjectEnumeration
 o m_ObjectVector
protected java.util.Vector m_ObjectVector
 o m_POClassName
protected java.lang.String m_POClassName
 o m_POFactory
protected java.lang.Class m_POFactory
 o m_QBECursor
protected symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.Cursor m_QBECursor
 o m_UpdatedRecordsVector
protected java.util.Vector m_UpdatedRecordsVector
 o m_Xlator
protected symantec.itools.db.beans.qbe.QBExlator m_Xlator
 o markedAsDeletedString
public static java.lang.String markedAsDeletedString
 o markedAsExistingString
public static java.lang.String markedAsExistingString
 o markedAsModifiedString
public static java.lang.String markedAsModifiedString
 o markedAsNewString
public static java.lang.String markedAsNewString
 o markedAsQBEString
public static java.lang.String markedAsQBEString
 o newSet
protected boolean newSet
 o numberOfSpecialFeatures
public final int numberOfSpecialFeatures
 o taskAction
protected symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.QueryNavigator. TaskAction taskAction


 o QueryNavigator
public QueryNavigator()


 o BOF
public boolean BOF()
 o EOF
public boolean EOF()
 o TriggerUI
protected void TriggerUI(int row,
                         int type)
 o addColumnDataEventListener
public synchronized void addColumnDataEventListener(ColumnDataEventListener listener)
 o addExceptionEventListener
public synchronized void addExceptionEventListener(ExceptionEventListener listener)
 o addExceptionListener
public static void addExceptionListener(ExceptionEventListener member,
                                        String aName)
 o addPropertyChangeListener
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
javadoc comments go here...

 o addRecordNavigateEventListener
public synchronized void addRecordNavigateEventListener(RecordNavigateEventListener listener)
 o addRecordSaveEventExceptionListener
public synchronized void addRecordSaveEventExceptionListener(RecordSaveEventExceptionListener listener)
 o addRecordSaveEventListener
public synchronized void addRecordSaveEventListener(RecordSaveEventListener listener)
 o addTriggerUIListener
public synchronized void addTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener mds)
Implementing the BasicDataSource Interface

 o announceException
public synchronized void announceException(ExceptionEvent e)
 o announceOnAfterColumnDataChange
public synchronized void announceOnAfterColumnDataChange(ColumnDataEvent e)
 o announceOnAfterRecordSave
public synchronized void announceOnAfterRecordSave(RecordSaveEvent e)
 o announceOnBeforeColumnDataChange
public synchronized void announceOnBeforeColumnDataChange(ColumnDataEvent e)
 o announceOnBeforeRecordSave
public synchronized void announceOnBeforeRecordSave(RecordSaveEvent e)
 o announceRecordNavigateOnAfterNavigate
public synchronized void announceRecordNavigateOnAfterNavigate(RecordNavigateEvent e)
 o announceRecordNavigateOnBeforeNavigate
public synchronized void announceRecordNavigateOnBeforeNavigate(RecordNavigateEvent e)
 o announceRecordNavigateOnBoundary
public synchronized void announceRecordNavigateOnBoundary(RecordNavigateEvent e)
 o announceRecordSaveException
public synchronized void announceRecordSaveException(RecordSaveEvent e) throws RecordSaveException
 o close
public synchronized void close()
 o commitState
public synchronized void commitState()
 o createQueryByExampleRow
public void createQueryByExampleRow()
Constructs a query by example by reseting the privates members of the object.

 o delete
public void delete()
Deletes the current row from the Data Source and from the Data Base.

 o executeQuery
public void executeQuery(Synchronizable masterReference)
 o executeQueryByExample
public synchronized void executeQueryByExample()
Populates a Data Source with the result from the query by example. For interface only

 o expandPOSet
protected boolean expandPOSet()
 o finalize
public void finalize() throws Throwable

Throws: Throwable
finalize in class Object
 o findRecord
public java.util.Hashtable findRecord(String colName,
                                      Object value)
This function retrieves the first RecordDefinition that matches the criteria "Table[colName]=value" The return will be a Hashtable with the format (ColumnName-->KEY,ColumnValue-->VALUE) If no Record is found then the function will return null If the colName doesn't exist the the function will return null

 o findRecord
public java.util.Hashtable findRecord(int colNumber,
                                      Object value)
This function retrieves the first RecordDefinition that matches the criteria "Table[colNumber]=value" The return will be a Hashtable with the format (ColumnName-->KEY,ColumnValue-->VALUE) If no Record is found then the function will return null If the colName doesn't exist the the function will return null

 o first
public final void first() throws PositionOutOfRangeException
 o getAliasName
public java.lang.String getAliasName()
 o getAutoStart
public boolean getAutoStart()
 o getClassName
public java.lang.String getClassName()
 o getConnection
public symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.Connection getConnection()
 o getCurrentObject
public synchronized java.lang.Object getCurrentObject()
 o getCurrentRowNumber
public int getCurrentRowNumber()
 o getDataName
public java.lang.String getDataName()
Gets the the database table name Format: "TableName@column1,...,columnN"

the database table name.
 o getDirtyRowsNumber
public int getDirtyRowsNumber()
 o getDirtySaveMessage
public java.lang.String getDirtySaveMessage()
Gets the message to be displayed when a dirty QN is navigated

the message to be displayed when a dirty QN is navigated.
 o getElementAt
public java.lang.Object getElementAt(int position) throws PositionOutOfRangeException
Gets the Object stored in the QueryNavigator at the given position

position - The position.
Throws: PositionOutOfRangeException
when position is out of range
 o getLink
public symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.SynchronizerLink getLink()
 o getMasterAliasName
public java.lang.String getMasterAliasName()
 o getName
public java.lang.String getName()
 o getQBEObject
public symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.PersistentObject getQBEObject()
 o getQueryNavigatorObject
public static symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.QueryNavigator getQueryNavigatorObject(String aName)
 o getRowState
protected java.lang.String getRowState(PersistentObject po)
Returns the row state.

po - the row to check
 o getRowState
public java.lang.String getRowState() throws PositionOutOfRangeException
 o getSaveChangesWindowClass
public java.lang.String getSaveChangesWindowClass()
Gets the message window class string

the message window class string
 o getSpecialFeature
protected java.lang.Object getSpecialFeature(int column,
                                             int offset)
Returns a special value for the getvalue Method. These special features are defined in an array of strings.

column - the special feature column ( < 0 )
offset - the row for the special feature
 o getTotalNumberOfRows
public int getTotalNumberOfRows()
 o getValue
public java.lang.Object getValue(int offset,
                                 int column)
Gets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.

offset - The current row, relative value.
column - The column value.
The value of the object.
 o getValueFromFirst
public java.lang.Object getValueFromFirst(int offset,
                                          int column)
Gets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.

offset - The current row, relative value.
column - The column value.
The value of the object.
 o go_to
public void go_to(int row)
 o handleExceptionEvent
public void handleExceptionEvent(ExceptionEvent e)
 o initPO
protected synchronized void initPO(PersistentObject newPO)
 o insert
public void insert()
Inserts a new row in the Data Source. In order to save this row in the Data Base the save method must be called

 o insertIntern
protected void insertIntern()
 o isDirty
public boolean isDirty()
 o isEmpty
public boolean isEmpty()
 o isExpandable
public synchronized boolean isExpandable()
 o isQBERow
public boolean isQBERow()
 o isStarted
public boolean isStarted()
 o last
public void last()
 o moveDataToUI
protected synchronized void moveDataToUI(int row,
                                         int type)
 o navigate
public synchronized void navigate(int typeNavigation,
                                  Integer rowNumber)
 o next
public final void next() throws PositionOutOfRangeException
Move the focus to the next row

 o onRecordSaveException
public void onRecordSaveException(RecordSaveEvent e) throws RecordSaveException
 o previous
public final void previous() throws PositionOutOfRangeException
Move the focus to the previous row

 o propertyChange
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
Handle the property changed event. We check for property name in case someday we add another property. We don't check for old and new values because regarding the close property it is only used when the sender is going from an open to closed transition.

 o removeColumnDataEventListener
public synchronized void removeColumnDataEventListener(ColumnDataEventListener listener)
 o removeExceptionEventListener
public synchronized void removeExceptionEventListener(ExceptionEventListener listener)
 o removeExceptionListener
public static void removeExceptionListener(ExceptionEventListener member,
                                           String aName)
 o removePropertyChangeListener
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
javadoc comments go here...

 o removeRecordNavigateEventListener
public synchronized void removeRecordNavigateEventListener(RecordNavigateEventListener listener)
 o removeRecordSaveEventExceptionListener
public synchronized void removeRecordSaveEventExceptionListener(RecordSaveEventListener listener)
 o removeRecordSaveEventListener
public synchronized void removeRecordSaveEventListener(RecordSaveEventListener listener)
 o removeTriggerUIListener
public synchronized void removeTriggerUIListener(TriggerUIListener mds)
 o restart
public void restart()
 o save
public synchronized void save()
 o saveAll
public int saveAll(int resolveType) throws SQLException
 o saveAll
public int saveAll()
 o saveAllLevels
public int saveAllLevels()
 o saveIntern
public synchronized int saveIntern() throws SQLException
Saves the current row in the Data Base.

 o setAliasName
public synchronized void setAliasName(String aName)
Set the alias name for a QueryNavigator. This alias name identifies the object

aName - the alias name checked.
 o setApplet
public void setApplet(Applet app)
 o setAutoStart
public void setAutoStart(boolean value)
 o setClassName
public void setClassName(String POCName)
 o setDirtySaveMessage
public void setDirtySaveMessage(String dirtySaveMessage)
Sets the message to be displayed when a dirty QN is navigated

 o setDisplaced
protected void setDisplaced(int column,
                            Object value,
                            PersistentObject po)
 o setLink
public synchronized void setLink(SynchronizerLink sLink)
 o setMarkedAsDeleted
public void setMarkedAsDeleted()
 o setMasterAliasName
public synchronized void setMasterAliasName(String aName)
 o setMasterName
public synchronized void setMasterName(String aName)
 o setName
public void setName(String value)
 o setSaveChangesWindowClass
public void setSaveChangesWindowClass(String WindowClass)
Sets the message window class string

 o setSpecialFeature
protected void setSpecialFeature(int column,
                                 int offset,
                                 Object value) throws PositionOutOfRangeException
 o setValue
public final synchronized void setValue(Object value,
                                        int offset,
                                        int column)
Sets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.

value. - The value of the object.
offset. - The current row, relative value.
column. - The column value.
 o setValueAsQBE
public void setValueAsQBE(Object value,
                          int column)
 o setValueFromFirst
public void setValueFromFirst(Object value,
                              int offset,
                              int column)
Sets the object stored in the QueryNavigator with the coordinates row and col.

value - The value of the object.
offset - The current row, relative value.
column - The column value.
 o startQBE
public final void startQBE()
 o startQueryByExample
public synchronized void startQueryByExample()
 o toString
public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class Object
 o undoChanges
public void undoChanges()
Undoes the changes on the current row.

 o undoColumnChanges
public void undoColumnChanges(int columnIndex)
Undoes the changes on the current row and on the specific column.

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